So for cheesy introductions I'd like to let you know just a little bit about myself:
-I like terrible jokes
-I repeat the same things over and over
-My favorite colors are green and purple
-I like kitties.
-I love fashion and style, but you wouldn't be able to tell judging by how I've been dressing these days..
-I like words! And pictures!
I really dislike winter, and part of the reason why I'm starting this blog is because I feel so blah from the weather.
(and my friend just started a blog and I've got to compete! ;D)
This is turning into a terrible email, but I promise, I'll get better at this.
And lastly, to be dorky and not fashion related at all (I'll get to that), go to and save a word.
I've chosen "lubency" which is a noun that means willingness, pleasure. It just called out to me!
...and to keep your interest, here's a picture of the sexiest transvestite I know: